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7 Craft Books for Earth Day | Fun Activities Using Sustainable Materials

I recently came across some craft books for Earth Day while recording a craft program for kids. I ended up using a couple of craft books that were focused on using recyclable materials and keeping additional craft materials to a minimum. Since yesterday was Earth Day, I thought it would be great to share this amazing craft book series I came across!

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For my Earth Day craft program, I focused on these “51 Things to Make…” craft book series that was in our library collection. This craft book series really stuck out to me because the instructions were really simple, the illustrations were very helpful, and the crafts looked really nice and not too cheesy!

Plus, I really wanted to do some crafts that focused on reusing materials and these craft books for Earth Day definitely do that. The craft material lists are very short and have very few frilly items, so these books seemed like the perfect craft books for Earth Day.

A Fun Craft Book Series | Craft Books for Earth Day

These amazing craft books for Earth Day I came across for my program are called “51 Things to…” and focus on a different reusable materials in each craft book. These are absolutely perfect craft books for Earth Day, allowing for fun craft celebrations!

Check out the full craft book series below!

51 Things to Make with Cardboard Boxes

Author: Fiona Hayes
Release Date: January 2017

51 Things to Make with Paper Plates

Author: Fiona Hayes
Release Date: January 2017

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51 Things to Make with Egg Cartons

Author: Fiona Hayes
Release Date: August 2016

51 Things to Make with Cardboard Tubes

Author: Fiona Hayes
Release Date: January 2017

My Program & Project | Craft Books for Earth Day

I ended up using the ” 51 Things to Make with Cardboard Tubes” craft books for Earth Day activities video that I made. I ended up having so much fun recording this video because I made crafts all-day and simply recorded the process!

The craft book had a super cute dinosaur craft that was perfect for kids, and holds pencils or other writing utensils. I thought it was a perfect craft for the time because the schools near me were introducing in-person classes or redoing the hybrid system, and there’s still a lot of families doing stuff at home and not outside.

Another craft idea for kids from these books is a flat-bed truck using an egg carton and had so much fun painting and decorating it to truly look like a truck. For example, using metallic gray paint, finding black paper to cut out wheels, and even painting some faces on the windshield section of the truck!

Here’s a picture of my final Earth Day craft for kids from the craft books!

Picture of crafted green dinosaur made out of cardboard tubes. | The Yasmin Diaries

More Earth Day Craft Books!

If you’re looking for even more craft books for Earth Day celebrations (or for fun at-home activities), I’ve rounded up even more Earth-friendly craft books for you to enjoy!

Check out even more craft books for Earth Day below!

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Earth-Friendly Earth Day Crafts

Author: Veronica Thompson
Release Date: August 2018

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Upcycled Gifts and Gadgets

Author: Anastasia Suen
Release Date: July 2018

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Junk Re-Thunk: Amazing Creations You Can Make from Junk!

Author: Brian Yanish
Release Date: March 2016

I remember enjoying crafts sooo much when I was younger – also, who am I kidding, I still love crafts – but kid crafts can get really frivolous and material intensive!

What I really loved about the No products found. was how short their material lists were (and Earth-friendly), as well as how simple the crafts were to make.

I hope you had a great Earth Day with fun crafts or celebrations! Or that you were able to enjoy a fun hike or explore nature!

This is a book list post about
Craft Books to Celebrate Earth Day.

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