Activism through Social Media for Positive Change
There have been so many times that I’ve been dismissive of “hashtag activism” (activism that happens through social media) because it often feels performative and shallow. And it certainly feels like it was used that way, once upon a time.
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(Well, it’s been seen as performative recently with the black squares for the Black Lives Matter movement…but anyway…)
Nowadays? A hashtag can have so much action behind it. It has been amazing to watch people use social media and hashtags to organize in-person events, virtual events, fundraisers, and even sustained political action!
I recently came across this article in the Lit Hub newsletter, and I enjoyed the writing and how the author talks about her experience with hashtags and her own organizing experience.
At the end of the article, it seems the article was actually the foreword to a book titled, “#HashtagActivism: Networks of Race and Gender Justice” by Sarah J. Jackson, Brooke Foucault Welles, and Moya Bailey. The great thing about this book is that it’s available for free?! Absolutely mind-blowing that it’s available for free in a digital format. It’s great to see it in a digital format because it really lowers the barriers to access for those who want to organize and work towards change.
Though I would much prefer a physical format, having free access to a digital format means I will definitely be adding it to my To-Read list. Here are some more books I look forward to reading (or have read).
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